Pablo del Mazo Sevillano
- Mar 2023-: Assistant Professor, Autonomous University of Madrid. Applied Chemical Physics Department, Madrid (Spain).
- Jan 2023-Feb 2023: Margarita Salas Contract, Autonomous University of Madrid. Applied Chemical Physics Department, Madrid (Spain).
- May 2021-Dec 2022: Postdoctoral Contract, Free University of Berlin. Department of Mathematics, Berlin (Germany).
- Sep 2017-Apr 2021: University Assistant, Autonomous University of Madrid. Applied Chemical Physics Department, Madrid (Spain).
- Jun 2016-Sep 2017: Practice contract (Garantía Juvenil), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid (Spain).
- Inelastic H + H3+ collision rates and their impact on the determination of the excitation temperature of H3+: D. Félix-González et al., A&A 693, A181 (2025).

- MADWAVE3: A quantum time dependent wave packet code for nonadiabatic state-to-state reaction dynamics of triatomic systems: O. Roncero, PMS, Computer Physics Communications 308, 109471 (2025).

- Revisiting a Chemical Route to the Formation of CN- in the Interstellar Medium: PMS, M. Lara, E. Yurtsever, M. Satta, R. Wester, F. A. Gianturco, ApJ 973, 17 (2024).
- Quantum study of the CH3+ photodissociation in full-dimensional neural network potential energy surfaces: PMS, A. Aguado, J. R. Goicoechea, O. Roncero, J. Chem. Phys. 160, 184307 (2024).

- Vibrational, non-adiabatic and isotopic effects in the dynamics of the H2 + H2+ → H3+ + H reaction: PMS, D. Félix-González, A. Aguado, C. Sanz-Sanz, D. Kwon, O. Roncero, Molecular Physics 122, e2183071 (2024).

- Variational principle to regularize machine-learned density functionals: The non-interacting kinetic-energy functional: PMS, J. Hermann, J. Chem. Phys. 159, 194107 (2023).

- The role of dimers in complex forming reactions at low temperature: Full dimension potential and dynamics of (H2CO)2+OH reaction: PMS, A. Aguado, A. Zanchet, O. Roncero, ChemPhysChem 24, e202300291 (2023).
- Neural network potential energy surface for the low temperature ring polymer molecular dynamics of the H2CO + OH reaction: PMS, A. Aguado, O. Roncero, J. Chem. Phys. 154, 094305 (2021).

- Zero- and High-Pressure Mechanisms in the Complex Forming Reactions of OH with Methanol and Formaldehyde at Low Temperatures: F. Naumkin, PMS, A. Aguado, Y. V. Suleimanov, O. Roncero, ACS Earth Space Chem. 3, 1158-1169 (2019).
- Quantum Roaming in the Complex-Forming Mechanism of the Reactions of OH with Formaldehyde and Methanol at Low Temperature and Zero Pressure: A Ring Polymer Molecular Dynamics Approach: PMS, A. Aguado, E. Jiménez, Y. V. Suleimanov, O. Roncero, J. Chem. Phys. Lett. 10, 1900-1907 (2019).
- Full dimensional potential energy surface and low temperature dynamics of the H2CO + OH → HCO + H2O reaction: A. Zanchet et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 5415-5426 (2018).
- Is the Gas-phase OH+H2CO Reaction a Source of HCO in Interstellar Cold Dark Clouds? A Kinetic, Dynamic, and Modeling Study: A. J. Ocaña et al., ApJ 850, 28 (2017).
- 2021: PhD in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain).
- 2017: M. S. in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling, University of Salamanca (Spain).
- 2016: M. S. Teacher Training in Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, Valencian International University (Spain).
- 2015: B. S. in Chemistry, University of Salamanca (Spain).
- Machine learning to represent the PES of gas phase reactions, SUL4LIFE Kick-off meeting, 2024, Madrid (Spain) .
- Machine learning the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, First Symposium of Physical Chemistry at UAM (First Symposium on Knowledge Transfer), 2023, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) .
- Potential Energy Surface and dynamics of the H2CO + OH reaction, Collisional Excitation of Hydrides in the Interstellar Medium, 2019, University of Salamanca (Spain) .
- Dealing with the Spurious Long-Range Interactions in PIP-NNs Potential Energy Surfaces, Quantum Reactive Scattering (QRS), 2024, University of Istanbul (Türkiye) .
- Variational principle to regularize machine-learned density functionals, XVII Iberian Joint Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 2023, University of Coimbra (Portugal) .
- Artificial Neural Network Potential Energy Surface for H2CO+OH reaction, 10th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry-IMAMPC2019, 2019, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) .
- Potential Energy Surface and dynamics for the H2CO + OH reaction, IX Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores en Física Atómica y Molecular, 2017, University of Sevilla (Spain) .
- Neural network potential energy surface for the low temperature Ring Polymer Molecular Dynamics of the H2CO + OH reaction, Symposium on Machine Learning in Quantum Chemistry, 2021, Xiamen (China) (online).
- Quantum Roaming in the Complex Forming Mechanism of Reactions of OH with H2CO and CH3OH at Low Temperature in the Low Pressure Limit: A Ring Polymer Molecular Dynamics Approach, EpoLM-4, 2019, University of Groningen, Groningen (The Netherlands) .
- Dynamics for the H2CO + OH reaction, COST CM 1401 “Our Astrochemical History”, 2018, University of Groningen, Groningen (The Netherlands) .
- Potential Energy Surface and kinetics of the H2CO + OH reaction, The Astrochemical Week, 2017, University of Algarve, Faro (Portugal) .
- Potential Energy Surface and low temperature reaction dynamics for H2CO + OH → H2O+HCO, COST CM 1401 “Our Astrochemical History”, 2017, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real (Spain) .
- Potential Energy Surface for the H2CO + OH reaction, European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics, 2016, Madrid (Spain) .
- Advanced Membrane Synthesis and AI-Driven Optimization for Green Hydrogen Production, SI4/PJI/2024-00168. PI: Daniel Herranz González, Pablo del Mazo-Sevillano. Role: PI. Period: 2025-01-01/2026-12-31, Amount: 40,000.00€.
- Potenciales de interacción de sistemas poliatómicos, PID2021-122549NB-C22. PI: Alfredo Aguado Gómez, Cristina Sanz Sanz. Role: Research Team. Period: 2022-09-01/2025-08-31, Amount: 84,700.00€.
- Colisiones y fotodisociación de interés astrofísico en fase gas y en hielos y dinámica en superficies, FIS2017-83473-C2-2-P. PI: Alfredo Aguado Gómez. Role: Member of Work Group. Period: 2018-01-01/2021-09-30, Amount: 48,400.00€.
- Procesos dinámicos y estocásticos en astrofísica molecular y en la interacción gas superficie, FIS2014-52172-C2-2-P. PI: Alfredo Aguado Gómez. Role: Member of Work Group. Period: 2015-01-01/2018-12-31, Amount: 36,300.00€.
- Extraordinary Award in Master Degree (Master Degree in "Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling").
- Daniel Félix González, Undergraduate Thesis, UAM, Simulación de Espectros Moleculares: Estudio Teórico de la Molécula Diatómica SH+ (2019/20). (Codirected with Prof. A. Aguado).
- Francisco José Gómez Ortiz, Undergraduate Thesis, UAM, DINÁMICA MOLECULAR EN REACCIONES QUÍMICAS TRIATÓMICAS (2019/20). (Codirected with Prof. O. Roncero).
- Ana Pose Utrilla, Undergraduate Thesis, UAM, Simulación teórica de los espectros de la molécula de interés astroquímico SiC (2020/21). (Codirected with Prof. A. Aguado).